Vegetarischer Weißwein? Habe die Flasche 1996 in London nur wegen dieser Bezeichnung auf dem Etikett gekauft. Bis dahin hatte ich anscheinend immer Fleisch-Wein getrunken. Dachte einmal mehr, sind doch liebenswerte Spinner, diese Engländer. Was könnte damit gemeint sein? Lösung folgt.
3 Kommentare:
The main issue for vegetarians and vegans is the use of 'finings' during manufacture of beers and wines. An array of agents are used during the fining process to clarify and stabilise the drink. Wines and beers which have not been fined are less likely to be clear and bright or may form a haze once bottled. In addition, tannic red wines can be made less astringent by fining since some of the tannins are removed. The fining agent is a processing aid not an additive, so in theory none should remain in the wine. However, it is impossible to guarantee this and most vegetarians object to the actual use of the agent. You'd think organic would be better, that's often the case, but not always, so do check. There are over 50 additives allowed by the EU, but the wine industry is exempt from labelling laws. Food Labelling Regulations in the UK exclude all drinks with an alcohol content exceeding 1.2% by volume, meaning only very low or non-alcoholic beers, wines and ciders are required to list all ingredients. This is something the winemakers are fighting hard to keep as they don't want you seeing all the chemicals they use to make their wine. Not very helpful if you are vegan or vegetarian.
Da halt ich mich raus.
Congratulations, dear animal. See next Post for solution.
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